Friday, April 16, 2010

Be clean and GREEN!

So, while Heidi and I were on our amazing girls trip this past week, I was lucky enough to get the biggest zit I've ever had in my life! I'm not even the slightest bit exaggerating! It took all I had to leave it alone, but I knew if I touched it I would definitely be noticed on Ellen, and not for my good looks! Tricia, our good friend, to the rescue!! Tricia told us all about her amazing body cloth from Norwex. This dandy little cloth contains silver particles that remove 99.99% of all bacteria with NO cleaning products. Because it contains those silver particles, the cloth itself remains clean. You just wet it, use it, hang it to dry and it cleans itself. Amazing, I must say! I used this bad boy and I wish I could say it removed that blemish, but it doesn't work miracles. It did make my skin feel great, clean and exfoliated, all without those pesky cleaners! I loved it so much, I could not stop asking questions about it. I was so pesky, in fact, Tricia brought me one of her extra cloths the following morning. Thanks Tricia!

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